Micro Needling

Micro Needling otherwise known as Collagen Induction, rejuvenates the skin by stimulating the body’s own production of collagen.

Micro Needling

+ What is it?

Micro Needling otherwise known as Collagen Induction, rejuvenates the skin by stimulating the body’s own production of collagen. Over time, the skin becomes damaged through sun damage, acne scarring, stretch marks and the natural process of ageing.

+ Treatment areas

Treatment is frequently used in the following areas:

  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Acne scars
  • Hyper-pigmentation
  • Stretch Marks

+ Is it for me?

Micro Needling is suitable for most people but best to avoid if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. It is important to avoid the sun for 3 weeks post treatment and it’s very important to wear a strong SPF to avoid Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation.

+ Is it safe?

Micro Needling is an extremely safe treatment that achieves very good results.

+ Procedure

Following a thorough consultation and medical history, written consent will be obtained and photographs taken. This data is securely stored in line with Data Protection Guidelines. A course of 6 Micro Needling sessions spread 6-8 weeks apart is recommended to achieve optimum results. The skin is numbed using a topical anaesthetic. This is removed and the skin thoroughly cleansed.

There are 2 methods of delivering Micro Needling: Skin Pen and Dermaroller. Both achieve very good results but there is greater consistency and control using the SKIN PEN and this is reflected in the cost. Whatever the method used, multiple micro injection sites are administered to the skin producing thousands of areas of repair. Post procedure, the skin will feel very warm, tight and will be red in appearance. This indicates that the body is healing itself and laying down new collagen in the process.

+ Aftercare

Do not touch or massage the area for at least 6 hours post-procedure as there will have been multiple injection sites that are a potential site for infection. There may be some redness, bruising and swelling which will settle down over 7-10 days. If you develop a temperature or persistent pain and swelling, it is very important to contact your Practitioner. Avoid sunbeds, skin peels and laser treatments for up to 2 weeks.

+ Downtime

The skin can appear very red and slightly swollen for 12-24 hours. It can also be accompanied by a feeling of tightness. This will calm down that the skin improves in appearance over the following week.

+ Cost

A course of 6 sessions is recommended to achieve optimum results. Using a Skin Pen:

  • 1 session £200
  • 3 sessions £550 (if booked at time of consultation)
  • 6 sessions £1050 (if booked at time of consultation)